Bethany's Readers' Advisory

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Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty by G. Neri June 1, 2011

Boy Slays Girl in Gangland Shooting was the headline in the Chicago Sun Times in 1994 when eleven-year-old Robert “Yummy” Sandifer shot and killed a fourteen-year-old girl.  Yummy’s classmate, Roger, is trying to figure out what happened to make his classmate do such a horrible thing.  Was it Yummy’s hard childhood, without parents to show him right from wrong?  Was it the gang he wanted to impress- the same gang Roger’s brother belongs to- that gave him the gun?  Was Yummy just a cold-blooded killer?

Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty is a dramatization based on a true story.  The graphic novel format and art style effectively portray the gritty content.  The story is told in a way that lets readers form their own opinions about whether Yummy was a bully or a victim.  Highly recommended for older teens and adults.